New granted project by Région Nouvelle Aquitaine: e-C@na (2018-2021)

2018-2021 Granted by Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine for 3 years between University of Poitiers and University of Bordeaux Montaigne
e-C@na : Edit, Digitize and study of @uthors’ Nouvelle Aquitaine Corpora

E-C@NA aims at creating, in the Region Nouvelle Aquitaine, a Digital Humanities' center specialized in processing and analyzing Data's research on authors corpora.
The co-P.I are Pr. Fatiha Idmhand from (University of Poitiers/CRLA Archivos-Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes) & Pr. Philippe Baudorre (University of Bordeaux-Montaigne/TELEM's research center)