Thesis currently supervised (2)

2022-2025: Norma Stella Donato Rodriguez “La voragine by José Eustasio Rivera: Genesis and Critical Edition”.

After One Hundred Years of Solitude, José Eustasio Rivera’s La vorágine (1888-1928) is the most significant novel in the history of Colombian literature. However, despite the numerous editions that have been published, not a single one of them analyzes the writing process that can be traced between the manuscript and the five editions supervised by the author. The objective of this thesis is to fill the gap by conducting the genetic study that is currently lacking and by proposing a critical edition that takes into account each of the genetic states and variants introduced by the author between the manuscript and the final edition. The editorial project accompanying this thesis holds a critical and historical significance: it aims to document the transformation process of the work and the way it addresses the social function of literature, as highlighted in La vorágine and as evidenced by the modifications introduced by Rivera. This historical and genetic analysis is fundamental for the history of the novel in Colombia because it demonstrates how “La vorágine” is both the culmination of a modernist tradition and the origin of another significant tradition: the novel of violence. The PhD Thesis is enrolled at the Graduate School of Paris Sciences Lettres within the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (UMR8132) ( It is a co-supervised doctoral thesis with the Complutense University of Madrid and Prof. José Manuel Lucía Megías.

2022-2025: Zhenhong Wang “Genesis of a Fantasized Far East in the Writings of Pierre Jean Jouve, Henry Bauchau, and Philippe Jaccottet”.

This thesis aims to study the Oriental representations and aspects of alterity in the works of Pierre Jean Jouve, Henry Bauchau, and Philippe Jaccottet. These three writers, free from any literary school and seemingly quite different at first glance, share a common interest in the Orient. Asian thoughts and arts, particularly those of China, are present in almost all the artistic forms that these three authors explore: novels, poetry, painting, and music. Rather than resorting to exotic clichés, the Asian influences resonate in aesthetic singularities through an interpretation of Eastern alterity. This interpretation is especially intriguing given that these authors have never visited Asia. Their relationship with the Far East gives rise to a fantasized narrative that allows for both a geographical transgression of Western fiction and a transformation of the dynamics between exteriority and interiority. 

By examining these phenomena from their origins, through the lens of exogenesis and endogenesis, by questioning this appropriation of Oriental alterity and the mechanisms of these transfers, this thesis aims to elucidate the relationship with the Orient held by Pierre Jean Jouve, Henry Bauchau, and Philippe Jaccottet. It also seeks to uncover the processes of Asian integration in the works of these three writers. The objective is to challenge preconceived notions about alterity and to better delineate the relationship between self and the Other.

The PhD Thesis is enrolled at the Graduate School of Paris Sciences Lettres within the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (UMR8132) (

Thesis defended under my supervision (2)

2019-2022: Ignacio Dansilio “Singularities of Mario Levrero’s creative processes. The genesis of La ciudad, La novela luminosa and El Discurso vacío“.

This research focuses on the manuscripts of Uruguayan writer Mario Levrero. Through the genetic analysis, the aim is to elucidate and uncover the textual production processes of three of the author’s most important works: La ciudad, La novela luminosa and El Discurso vacío. It intends to identify and reconstruct the stages of their genesis by examining the relationships between the “provisionally final” text and the preliminary texts during the construction of a literary work.

This research project follows a long-standing effort initiated in 2013 to organize, catalog, and digitize Mario Levrero’s archives, which were held at the SADIL research center at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay until 2020. These archives comprise a diverse collection of materials, including newspaper clippings, photographs, correspondence, and unpublished manuscripts. This documentary collection serves as a key to understanding Mario Levrero’s creative and scriptural production processes.

Drawing from these personal documents, the thesis aims to analyze the author’s creative methods and investigate various aspects of the writer’s craft. Questions it seeks to address are: How does a writing project originate and develop? What are the sources of inspiration? What correction techniques are employed? What are the maturation periods for a text? What are the writing habits? Mario Levrero provides complex and highly intriguing answers to these different aspects.</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

PhD Thesis enrolled at the Graduate School of Paris Sciences Lettres within the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (UMR8132) (


Defense date: May 13, 2024
Jury: Raul Caplan (University of Grenoble Alpes, Chair of the jury), Diego Vecchio (University Paris VIII, Reviewer), Maria Olivera-Williams (Notre Dame University, USA), María Carolina Blixen (National Library of Uruguay, Uruguay), José Luis Nogales (University of Seville, Spain), Cécile Chantraine-Braillon (La Rochelle University, Reviewer), Paolo D’Iorio (CNRS, ITEM)

 2019-2022: Yadira Carranza “Fernando Aínsa and Roger Caillois: mediators of cultural transfers between Latin America and Europe.”

The movement and circulation of ideas have become indispensable subjects in the interconnected era in which we live. Alongside them, new paradigms have emerged since the 1980s-90s, allowing the humanities to study cultural objects, the means and forms of their circulation between different cultural areas in relation to new societal dynamics. One of these new paradigms is that of “cultural transfers” proposed by Michel Espagne and Michael Werner in the 1980s. It aims to better understand the mechanisms of communication between cultural spaces through the study of systems of cultural object circulation, their contexts of reception, and their “carriers”.

This PhD research seeks to apply this concept to the circulation of ideas between Latin America and Europe, with a particular focus on the figure of the cultural mediator and their role in the construction of mechanisms and networks of interconnection. It proposes two examples to initiate this analytical work, those of two cultural mediators who acted as bridges between Europe and Latin America: Fernando Aínsa and Roger Caillois. More specifically, it intends to create a typology of the mediator based on these two case studies.

The preliminary working hypothesis is that of these two “satellite” intellectual figures have acted as transatlantic cultural agents. The thesis explores their archives and manuscripts to analyze correspondence, journals, notebooks, and manuscripts related to their roles as cultural “intermediaries”. Their actions within institutions such as UNESCO will be of particular interest.

The methodological standpoint will primarily employ two tools: the critical and genetic approach, as it will enable to capture their transatlantic thoughts in action while depicting them as “work in progress” writers; and digital and computational tools, as they will allow help to process archival data, analyze it by using statistical methods or software, and construct representations to support and substantiate our hypotheses.

PhD Thesis enrolled at the Graduate School of Paris Sciences Lettres  within the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (UMR8132) (


Defense date: April 29, 2024
Jury: Annick Louis (University of Franche-Comté, Chair of the jury), Norah Dei Cas Giraldi (University of Lille, Reviewer), Gustavo Guerrero (University of Cergy), Ana Gallego (University of Granada), Javier Navascués (University of Navarra, Reviewer), Paolo D’Iorio (CNRS, ITEM)

Thesis examiner for 13 PhD Dissertation

2022 (2)

02-09-2022 Universidad de Granada, España

Examiner for Maurizio Escobar Deraso’s Phd Dissertation on « The return of first-generation Republican exiles : a hisorical triangulation of spanish refugees repatriating back to Spain »
Field: Migration studies

PhD supervisers : Dr. Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho (Universidad de Granada, España)


Members :

External referee reports : María Victoria Zardoya Loureda (Universidad Politécnica de La Habana, Cuba), Clémence Pinaud (Indiana University-Bloomington, USA)


25-03-2022 Université Grenobles Alpes, France

Examiner for Laura Antonietti’s Phd Dissertation on « La lecture éditoriale chez Einaudi : le cas de Natalia Ginzburg (1945-1964) »
Field: Italian studies and digital humanities

PhD supervisers : Prof. Elena Pierazzo (Université de Tours), Prof. Alberto Cadioli (Université de Milan)

President: Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers)

Members : Prof. Elena Pierazzo (University of Tours), Prof. Alberto Cadioli (University of Milan), Prof. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers, Chair of the jury), Prof. Leonardo Casalino (University Grenoble Alpes), Dr. Roberta Cesana (Lecturer, University of Milan), Dr. Laura Di Nicola (Lecturer, Sapienza University of Rome)

External referee reports : Dr. Isotta Piazza (Lecturer, University of Parma, Reviewer), Dr. Maria Rizzarelli (Lecturer, University of Catania, Reviewer).

07-05-2021 Universidad de Granada, España

Examiner for Maurizio Toscano’s Phd Dissertation on « Humanidades en Internet. Diseño e implementación de sistemas de información web para la investigación en historia, arte y arqueología »

PhD supervisers : Prof. Dr. Enrique Herrera Viedma (Universidad de Granada, España) and Dr. Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho (Universidad de Granada, España)

President: Dr. Eduardo Peis Redondo

Members : Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Macchi Janica (Università Di Siena, Italia) ; Dr. Rafael Zurita Aldeguer (Universidad de Alicante, España) ; Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (Université de Poitiers) ; Prof. Dr. Margarita Marí Birriel Salcedo (Universidad de Granada, España)

2019 (2)

09-12-2019 Universidad del País Vasco, España / University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France 

Examiner for Javier Feijoo Morote’s Phd Dissertation on « La estética de la destrucción del idilio y las figuras de la imaginación en Verdes valles, colinas rojas de Ramiro Pinilla »
Field: Spanish contemporary literature

PhD supervisers : Prof. Dr. Lola Thion (University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France), Dr. Natalia Vara (Universidad del País Vasco, España)

President: Prof. Dr. Christian Manso (University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Président du jury)

Members : Dr. Juan José Lanz (Universidad del País Vasco, España) ; Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (Université de Poitiers) ; Prof. Dr. Jesús Javier Alonso (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Examinateur); Prof. Dr. Luis Beltrán (Universidad de Zaragoza, Examinateur).

12-11-2019 Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España

Examiner for Yasmina Yousfi López’s PhD Dissertation on « La labor teatral de Josefina Plá: una escritora en la frontera »
Field: Spanish contemporary literature

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Manuel Aznar  Soler (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

President: Prof. Dr. Francisco Tovar Blanco (Président du jury)

Members : Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (Université de Poitiers) , Dr. Jose Ramón Lopez Garcia (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Dr. Iván López Cabello (Université de Brest, Examinateur), Dr. Juan Rodriguez Rodriguez (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Dr. Maria Teresa Santa Maria Fernandez (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

2018 (2)

08-10-2018 University of La Rochelle, France

Examiner for Axel Jean-Caurant’s PhD Dissertation on « Analyse de documents et du comportement des utilisateurs pour améliorer l’accès à l’information »
Field : Informatics and applications, Digital Humanities

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Burie (University of La Rochelle)</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

Members : Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Burie (University of La Rochelle), Dr. Aris Xanthos (University of Lausanne), Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers), Dr. Vincent Courboulay (Université La Rochelle), Prof. Dr. Antoine Doucet (University of La Rochelle), Prof. Dr. Véronique Eglin (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon), Prof. Dr. Charles Illouz (University of La Rochelle)

13-09-2018 University of La Rochelle, France

Examiner for Cyrille Suire’s PhD Dissertation on « Recherche d’information et humanités numériques : une approche et des outils pour l’historien ». Spécialité doctorale « Informatique et applications ».
Field : Informatics and applications, Digital Humanities

PhD supervisers : Prof. Dr. Pascal Estraillier (University of La Rochelle) ; Prof. Dr. Charles Illouz (University of La Rochelle)

President: Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers)

Members : Prof. Dr. Benoist Pierre (University of Tours) ; Samuel Nowakowski (University of Lorraine) ; Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers) ; Prof. Dr. Laurent Romary (INRIA Examinateur).

2017 (3)

 08-12-2017 University of Montpellier, France

Examiner for María Gonzalez’s PhD Dissertation on « Création et destruction d’une ville imaginaire : Santa Maria dans l’œuvre de Juan Carlos Onetti »
Field: Latin American contemporary literature

Reference : 

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Karim Benmiloud (University of Montpellier)</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

President: Prof. Dr. Raphaël Estève (Université Bordeaux)

Members : Prof. Dr. Karim Benmiloud (University of Montpellier), Prof. Dr. Raphaël Estève (Université Bordeaux), Dr. Maud Gaultier (Université Aix-Marseille), Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers), Prof. Dr. Raúl Caplán (Université d’Angers)

22-11-2017 University of Poitiers, France

Examiner for Paula Klein’s PhD Dissertation on « La mémoire à l’épreuve du quotidien dans la littérature contemporaine française et du Río de la Plata. Georges Perec, Jacques Roubaud, Julio Cortázar et Mario Levrero ».
Field: Comparative literature

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Christine Baron (University of Poitiers)</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

President : Prof. Dr. Denis Mellier (University of Poitiers)

Members : Prof. Dr. Christine Baron (University of Poitiers), Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers), Prof. Dr. Denis Mellier (University of Poitiers), Prof. Dr. Florencia Garramuño (Universidad San Andrés, Rosario, Argentine), Dr. Annick Louis (University of Reims), Prof. Dr. Lionel Ruffel (Université Paris 8)

31-01-2017 University of Rennes, France

Examiner for Virginie Pringuet‘s PhD Dissertation on « Vers un atlas de l’art dans l’espace public : la modélisation d’un musée réticulaire ».
Field : Arts, Esthetic and Digital Humanities

Reference :

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Nicolas Thély (Université Rennes 2)</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

Court President: Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers)

Members : Dr. Nathalie Boulouch (Université Rennes 2), Prof. Dr. Renée Bourassa (Université Laval, Canada), Prof. Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Poitiers), Dr. Pierre Oudart (Head Chief at Direction générale de la création artistique, Ministère de la Culture de la Communication), Dr. Geneviève Vidal (Université Paris 13)

2016 (1)

29-01-2016 University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France

Examiner for Andrés Bétancourt Morales’s PhD Dissertation on “Étude génétique de Un réquiem por el padre Las Casas et Seis horas en la vida de Frank Kulak (La encrucijada) d’Enrique Buenaventura”.
Field : Literature, Genetic and creative processes studies

Reference :

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Pierre-Marc De Biasi (CNRS)</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

President: Prof. Dr. Julio Premat (Université Paris 8)

Members : Prof. Dr. Pierre-Marc de Biasi (CNRS), Prof. Dr. Julio Premat (Université Paris 8), Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Littoral), Prof. Dr. Marie-Hélène Paret Passos (Catholic University do Rio Grande do Sul, Brésil), Dr. Christilla Vasserot (Université Paris 3).

2015 (1)

20-01-2015 Universidad de Pamplona, España

Superviser for Mariana Moraes Medina’s PhD Dissertation on “Sur y el turismo ideológico. Políticas del viaje en María Rosa Oliver y Ezequiel Martínez Estrada”.
Field : Latin american contemporary literature

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Javier de Navascués Martín, Universidad de Pamplona, Espagne</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

Members : Prof. Dr. Esperanza López Parada (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Littoral), Dr. Beatriz Ferrus (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Dr. Gabriel Insausti (Universidad de Navarra), Dr. Álvaro Ferrary (Universidad de Navarra)

2013 (1)

20-11-2013 University of Lille, France

Superviser for María Carolina Blixen’s PhD Dissertation on « Figuras de la poética de Carlos Liscano: cuando la literatura es el surco del delirio. Ficción, autoficción, testimonio. (Figures de la poétique de Carlos Liscano : quand la littérature devient le sillon du délire. Fiction, autofiction, témoignage).
Field : Latin american contemporary literature

Reference :

PhD superviser : Prof. Dr. Norah Dei Cas, University of Lille.</span style=”color: #9a1b1f;”>

President: Prof. Dr. Néstor Ponce (University of Rennes 2)

Members : Prof. Dr. Norah Giraldi Dei Cas (University of Lille), Prof. Dr. Néstor Ponce (University of Rennes 2), Prof. Dr. María Angélica Semilla Durán (University of Lyon 2), Dr. Fatiha Idmhand (University of Littoral), Dr. Abril Trigo (Ohio University, USA).